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::: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - Human Rights :::

Calendar of Events

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100 Years of Loss: The Residential School System in Canada
Friday, April 04, 2014
Hosted by: MHMC, Legacy of Hope Foundation, Wapikoni Mobile
Location: Federation CJA lobby
5151, Côte-Ste-Catherine Road

In April, explore with us the history and legacy of the Residential School System in Canada. On display at the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre, the exhibition 100 years of loss - The Residential School System in Canada explores the history of the Residential School System in Canada and traces its legacy to the present.

- Opening on April 3, at 6 pm. RSVP at 514-345-2605.
- From April 4 to May 1, 2014
- Exhibition on the Residential School System in Canada
- In the lobby of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Museum

100 Years of Loss - The Residential School System in Canada

The exhibition uses archival and contemporary photographs, works of art, primary documents, and recent research to reveal the histories of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children who were forcibly removed from their families and institutionalized in residential schools.

Key themes
- Early days of European expansion into North America,
- The effect that the founding of Canada had on Aboriginal culture and identity,
- Profiles of central figures in the establishment of the Residential School System ,
- Abuses experienced by students in these institutions.

It also features detailed information about the legacy of the schools as it relates to social crises for individuals and communities and its connection to reconciliation and healing movements.

To learn more about the Residential School System

For over a century, beginning in the mid-1800s and continuing into the late 1990s, Aboriginal children in Canada were taken from their homes and communities and placed in institutions called residential schools. These schools were run by religious orders in collaboration with the federal government and were attended by children as young as four or five years of age who were prohibited from speaking their native languages.

The purpose of this system: destroying their culture, deemed

Separated from their families the vast majority of the over 150,000 children that attended these schools experienced neglect and suffering. The impacts of sexual, mental, and physical abuse, shame, and deprivation endured at Indian Residential Schools continue to affect generations of Survivors, their families, and communities today. Remarkably, in the face of this tremendous adversity, many Survivors and their descendants have retained their language and their culture and continue to work toward healing and reconciliation.

In partnership with the Legacy of Hope Foundation and the Wapikoni Mobile.

info[ at ]mhmc[ dot ]ca

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