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::: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - Human Rights :::
Righteous Among the Nations Profiles
The Maid Who Risked Her Life

Erzsebet Fajo was a young maid for a Jewish family in Hungary when the war broke out. As life for her employers, the Abonyi family, became increasingly unbearable under Nazi occupation, teenaged-Fajo summoned incredible courage to protect them against terrifying odds. Though the Abonyi family thought it safer for her that Fajo move out of their home once the Nazis invaded, their maid continued to make regular visits.

When the Jews of Budapest were forced to wear the yellow star, Fajo insisted on accompanying the family whenever they stepped out of their home, and made all of their purchases on their behalf. She managed to obtained protective papers for them, and helped the Abonyis escape when the Nazis began rounding up Jews for deportation. After the war the Abonyis adopted Fajo, sent her to school and bequeathed her a third of their estate.

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